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Web Log Honesty

Sean's running into the "How honest can I be if I have an audience?" question. I'd love to know what he discovers.

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First week observations

It's been a week since I started my web log experiment. Here are some observations: * I've noticed that I am fairly obsessed with checking the access logs to see if anyone is listening. * It still takes a little time and effort to make an interesting entry

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Why I'm worried about writing in a web log.

My job is all about building relationships, deal-making, networking, and politics. Every day, I am privy to conversations which must be kept confidential not only to preserve the relationships’ confidence, but also simply to be successful with my work. For example, when I’m in the middle of negotiating a

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It begins

I was in Framingham, MA over the weekend for a little reunion with some of the boys from Rice (second year in a row). Somehow, over a game of Skip-bo, the topic of web logs came up. We talked a little bit about what they were and what they represented

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First Entries Brainstorm

Website Brainstorm: