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David Nunez

Dir of Technology at the MIT Museum • Writing about emerging tech's impact on your life • Speculative insights on the intersection of humanity and technology 🤖

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Freediving into a Spreadsheet

Dan Bricklin's professors at the Harvard Business School thought he was wasting his time creating an electronic substitute for the paper ledgers he and his classmates were using to complete their coursework. In the 1970s, data entry was for secretarial pool transcription and the technicians keeping the mainframe

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Happy Upgrade Day

Happy Upgrade Day. You are on an operating table, immobilized, but fully awake. You glance sideways and see the brain implant in a sterile package marked with the Neuralink logo. It is smaller than you anticipated. "You may feel a little pressure," says the robotic surgeon, but you

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Study With Us

I recently joined a global study group. I spend so many hours with these people during the pandemic that I now call them my friends. They have no idea that I exist. When I need a boost of focus, I put all my study group's YouTube videos on

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Touching a Heartbeat

I took the Apple Watch for a long walk last weekend. It did something unexpected and unattractive. I'm left wondering if I have any place for it in my heart, anymore. You see, we've had an off and on relationship for the past several years. In

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Hello, World

Let's talk about source code. Here's a program. Right now, your instinct is to immediately delete this newsletter, thinking you've made a terrible decision. "After ten words, he's showing me computer code. Oh no. Why did I willingly subscribe to this?

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Weeknotes #2237 - The World in Fuzzy Pixels

This week felt covered by a bit of a fog. Let's see if I can cut through it a bit. * I put in some back-end work on this site. I'm using the Gridsome static site generator to build this site now. I did take some time

Weeknotes #2237 - The World in Fuzzy Pixels
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The Global Derealization

This post contains disturbing images, references to traumatic events, and non-medical discussion of anxiety disorder. On August 4, 2020, at 6 PM (GMT+3), a massive explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, killed and wounded many people and caused major damage to a large part of the city. I learned about the

The Global Derealization
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Weeknotes #2236 - Staying Put

MIT is, rightfully, addressing physical campus access with a considered and careful approach. Most staff members are unable to return to our campus. People authorized to be onsite need to complete medical testing and daily attestation for tracking. The museum has been making progress on regaining access by arguing we

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Weeknotes #2235 - Meeting Fatiguing

Cranking out this week's notes in rapid fashion and keeping it especially short and sweet because: 1. I don't believe anybody is actually reading these. 2. Ergo, I'm practicing faster output with almost zero risk. 3. I don't want to break the

Weeknotes #2235 - Meeting Fatiguing
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Weeknotes #2234 - Smashing things together

Worlds Colliding We're kicking off a new round of galleries for our upcoming transition to Kendall square. I'm finding myself playing catchup on some new topics but also am super excited by what we're planning in our Collections Gallery and Workshop. We're

Weeknotes #2234 - Smashing things together