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Weeknotes #2233 - Marking Time

David Nunez
David Nunez
1 min read
Weeknotes #2233 - Marking Time
  • I skipped last week's weeknotes because last Friday, I was on Day 2 of a long 5-day weekend to clear the head and not think too hard about work or anything else, for that matter.
  • I read Make Time a couple of weekends ago. It has a smart blend of overarching strategy with a smorgasbord of tactics that you're encouraged to mix and match based on what works (or doesn't). It supports iterating and testing, which I can appreciate. I've been applying some of the tactics, myself over the past couple of weeks. For example, I installed the Freedom app on my phone that blocks internet access from 4-7 am. That tweak, alone, is getting me out of bed and starting my day much faster (no temptation to scroll through twitter as I "wake up").
  • Worked a bit on our upcoming online offering related to our Polaroid exhibit that we had to shutter.
  • Wrote some language to contribute to the museum's report to the University's President & gave feedback about adjusting our strategic plan to account for the current calamity.
  • We kicked off the exhibition development process for a few more galleries, including one about biotech, of which I know nothing.
  • I spent a lot of the past long weekend working on a reboot of my personal website; the goal was to get something online by the end of the break. I did that, but it's not quite "launched." I have an essay in the works about why in the world I would attempt yet another blog reboot.

David Nunez Twitter

Dir of Technology at the MIT Museum • Writing about emerging tech's impact on your life • Speculative insights on the intersection of humanity and technology 🤖


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