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David Nunez

Dir of Technology at the MIT Museum • Writing about emerging tech's impact on your life • Speculative insights on the intersection of humanity and technology 🤖

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Too... many...

ellipses… in my writing… i don’t really… know… why… probably… because I write… before I think… and… this leads to… not… fully… baked… thoughts… so.. when… I get to the end of an idea… I lose steam… and let it hang… or something…

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Road Rash

I was flying down a hill on my bicycle (about 18-19 mph). I saw the overflowing creek ahead… running water flowing over the road. Did that stop me? “Nah,” I said, “I’m invincible.” I plowed through and immediately felt my back tire start slipping. I use clipless pedals (so

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Relaunching for 2005

this will soon be populated by my new site… the old stuff is here: The old stuff will be migrated slowly… I’ll be keeping an eye on broken pointers so that I provide appropriate redirects. I’m uploading the new design, now…. Completed * The

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Couple quick tidbits

Tinfoil hat alert: I am listening to a pretty decent documentary on KUT on surveillance in the information-rich age No Place to Hide via American Radioworks Also, be sure to order the Kaow Soi Kai soup from The Soup Peddler and make your donation to the Red Cross for Tsunami

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"PEOPLE are the experience, stupid."

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Movable Type and Drupal and a rant for dessert

I think it's no state secret by now that I am a huge fan of Drupal. I'm a bit behind the curve in piling on to the Movable Type bruhaha and resulting exodus in the past few weeks. My opinions of that software and people behind

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Recycled Content

Here's a blast from the past. Still applies. Intreviews in Geekland

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Me, Myself, and I.

me, me, me, I, me, me me, me, I, I. Nyah.

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It's getting awfully hot around here...

Uhmmm… is anyone else concerned about the sun going supernova on us?

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Much better

It looks like FINALLY is resolving correctly. Whew. Nothing like a rocky start.