The Microblog contains status updates, asides, and links I'd like to share. It represents passing thoughts or quick ideas I might not have developed into a full blog post. This includes writing I may have posted elsewhere (like Twitter).
Staging the next thing
Moving onto the next thing.

Hybrid naysayers
This link was posted in 2006, when I owned a Prius * Hybrid Naysayers
10 more
Only ten to twelve more to take care of and then I’ll be back(?) in the game. Yes. I’m alive. No. I’m nothing close to sure.
Couple quick tidbits
Tinfoil hat alert: I am listening to a pretty decent documentary on KUT on surveillance in the information-rich age No Place to Hide via American Radioworks Also, be sure to order the Kaow Soi Kai soup from The Soup Peddler and make your donation to the Red Cross for Tsunami
Recycled Content
Here's a blast from the past. Still applies. Intreviews in Geekland
It's getting awfully hot around here...
Uhmmm… is anyone else concerned about the sun going supernova on us?
Well, kids, in case you didn’t notice, half a year is gone. July is a month of VaporFreeze for me. A chance to bring to closure a ton of loose ends and dangling projects that just need that final afternoon or so of work to get them “done…” or
I could do without all the coy, inside-joke laden, April Fool’s blog entries and/or redesigns please. I mean come on… is it really THAT important to one-up everyone else… grrrr….
Why, oh why, did I have to see this?
Too early. We were too early… Link.